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George H Cook Scholars Program

Timeline for Seniors

Seniors Invited into Program
Date Action
September 27, 2024 Preliminary project presentations. All Scholars will present a 2–3 slide, 5 minute presentation in the Cook Student Center describing 1) the question(s) or problem(s) they plan to address and 2) their research or design approach. Project advisors are asked to be present. Attendance of Readers is optional.
November Special Permission Numbers for 11:554:488 GH Cook Honors Program will be sent to all Scholars for spring registration.
January 31, 2025 Thesis First Draft or Project Progress Report due on Canvas. Drafts/Reports must include a Cover Page with the project advisor's signature. Progress reports must include results to date and a statement of remaining work.
March Scholars will be asked to verify their name, their thesis title and their project advisor’s name as they would like it printed in the SEBS convocation program. Scholars and Advisors will be sent the schedule of the G.H. Cook Scholars Symposium in order to resolve any conflicts.
April 1, 2025 Scholars submit complete draft of thesis to Project Advisor and Reader for review. Note that errors in manuscript mechanics (spelling, grammar, typos) or general carelessness in manuscript preparation are as unacceptable to the Program as errors in measurement or analysis.
April 11, 2025 G.H. Cook Scholars Symposium. All Scholars will give 20 minute oral presentations describing the results of their projects. The Project Advisor or Co-Advisor should be present at the talk. The Reader, other interested faculty, parents, students, as well as the public are invited to attend. Presentations will be grouped into sessions by subject and all scholars are asked to attend the entirety of their session to support their fellow students.
May 9, 2025 Scholars submit their Final Thesis including all corrections and revisions on Canvas as a pdf document. After the final thesis has been submitted, honors cords and tassels may be picked up from the Program Coordinator in Waller Hall.

G. H. Cook Honors Thesis Format

The formal requirements and length of the thesis should be discussed thoroughly with the Project Advisor, since they vary considerably according to discipline and the kind of project undertaken. The G.H. Cook Scholars Program, however, requires the following standardization of the format of the thesis:

  1. All text must be typed, double-spaced, in Times or Arial font, on 8.5" x 11" (letter-sized) pages, with 1" margins;
  2. The thesis must include a Thesis Cover Page (19k Word file), signed by the Project Advisor and the Reader;
  3. The thesis must include an abstract page, indicating the title of the thesis, the author's name and a single-spaced abstract (summary) of no more than 250 words;
  4. Subsequent pages must be numbered, beginning with 1;
  5. Tables and figures should appear at the point of discussion in the text or gathered at the end of the text, according to the practice of the candidate's field;
  6. All references must be cited in the text and included in a REFERENCES or BIBLIOGRAPHY section at the end of the thesis or in footnotes; all cited sources must include complete information (authors, year published, title, journal, volume, pages);
  7. Discursive notes (if any) may be listed at the bottom of the page or gathered at the end of the thesis;
  8. Supplementary documents (APPENDICES) must be gathered at the end of the thesis, following the REFERENCES.